Case Summary for 204200192282 as of Sun Sep 15 00:24:37 CDT 2024 :

General Case Information

Case Number:204200192282
Court Info:Click here to visit court web site.
Style of Case:Friends of Down Syndrome, a Texas Non-Profit Corporation vs. Fidencio Macias A/K/A Frank Macias D/B/A Progresso Learning LLC A Forfeited Texas Limited Liability Corporation
Filed Date:Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Case Status:Disposed
Disposition:Default Judgment (OCA)
Disposition Date:Tue Aug 25 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Judgment Date:Tue Aug 25 00:00:00 CDT 2020

Civil Information

Nature of Claim:Eviction
Claim Amount: 0.00

Party Information

Party Name: Irelan, Bradfors W
Party Type: Attorney
Party Name: Friends of Down Syndrome, a Texas Non-Profit Corporation
Party Type: Plaintiff
Party Name: Fidencio Macias A/K/A Frank Macias D/B/A Progresso Learning LLC A Forfeited Texas Limited Liability Corporation
Party Type: Defendant

Hearing Information

Hearing Description: Eviction Docket
Hearing Date/Time: Tue Aug 25 11:00:00 CDT 2020
Hearing Result/Cancellation:

Default Judgment
Hearing Result/Cancellation Date:

Payment Information

Payment Date: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Amount: 121.00
Payment Type: American Express Efile (Remote)
Transaction Type: Remote Payments
Receipt Description: Remote Payments
Payor Name: Friends of Down Syndrome, a Texas Non-Profit Corporation

Event Information

Event Description: Affidavit Filed
Date Added: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Eviction Citation
Date Added: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Eviction-Citation Possession
Date Added: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Exhibit Filed
Date Added: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Military Status Affidavit Filed
Date Added: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Notice
Date Added: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Original Petition - Efile
Date Added: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Original Petition Filed
Date Added: Thu Jul 30 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Service Return
Date Added: Mon Aug 03 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Default Judgment
Date Added: Tue Aug 25 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Eviction-Notice of Default Judgment 510.6
Date Added: Tue Aug 25 00:00:00 CDT 2020
Event Description: Order-Default Judgment
Date Added: Tue Aug 25 00:00:00 CDT 2020

Bond Information

Judgment Information

Parties For: Friends of Down Syndrome, a Texas Non-Profit Corporation

Parties Against: Fidencio Macias A/K/A Frank Macias D/B/A Progresso Learning LLC A Forfeited Texas Limited Liability Corporation


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Please note: Because case status may change at any time, the case information displayed may not be accurate. If you have any questions about the case status shown, you should verify the information with the official case record.